Apple Music Mac

iTunes is gone in macOS Catlina, and the new Music app that replaces it is fairly similar in broad strokes. However, some users are having trouble finding how to search their own music library, as opposed to the iTunes Store.

When I tested this, typing any search into the Search field in the upper-left corner of the Music app produced results that I could switch by clicking one of three buttons in a lozenge in the upper-right corner: Apple Music, Your Library, and iTunes Store. When I selected Your Library, songs I’d purchased or ripped from CDs I owned appeared in the results.

AirApple music user guide

The interface doesn’t make that the most visible element to choose, and in my study I cannot find any way to prevent the lozenge from appearing.


However, after searching, clicking on an album, and clicking play, which brings up a new playback bar at the top of Music, the buttons were obscured. I had to click the < (back) button at the upper-left corner of the screen a few times, and then the lozenge reappeared.

If you don’t see the collection-selection lozenge, I suggest trying: Sling media sound cards & media devices driver download for windows.

  • Click the x in the Search results and try again.

  • Click the pause button if music is playing.

  • Click the < (back) button to work backward in searches.

  • Quit and relaunch Music.

This Mac 911 article is in response to a question submitted by Macworld reader Frine.

How to use Apple Music in the Music app for Mac. Open Music from your Dock or Applications folder.; Click For You in the sidebar to see your Apple-curated mixes and suggestions, recently played albums and playlists, and what your friends have been listening to.


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  1. Apple Music’s desktop presence is a huge step at continuing to take on Spotify, considering that Apple Music was difficult before the iOS 10 and macOS updates.
  2. In Catalina, Apple Music replaces iTunes. Apple Some have waited years for this moment, the day when Apple killed off its iTunes media app for MacOS and split the exasperating tool into individual.
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How To Use Apple Music

Download your favorite tracks. Play them offline.

Get exclusive playlists and live radio.

Apple Music Macbook

Listen across all of your devices.

It’s as easy
as it sounds.

Apple Music is a streaming service that allows you to listen to 70 million songs. Its great features include the ability to download your favorite tracks and play them offline, lyrics in real time, listening across all your favorite devices, new music personalized just for you, curated playlists from our editors, and many more. All this in addition to exclusive and original content.

Apple Music is already on your favorite Apple devices. You can also listen on streaming platforms, popular smart TVs, smart speakers, Android and Windows devices, and more — or listen online at

Yes. With an Apple Music Family Plan, up to six people in the family can enjoy all the features and the full catalog of Apple Music. To get started, just set up Family Sharing on your iOS device, Android phone, or Mac and invite family members to join.

Students get the same Apple Music features and benefits as individual members. Once your student status with your college or university is verified, you get student membership pricing for up to four years, as long as you remain a student. After four years, your membership will continue at the individual member price.

Is Apple Music the same as iTunes?

Your iTunes library is still yours. You can access your entire collection from Apple Music or from iTunes for macOS or Windows.

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