

I use Mozilla Firefox as my browser and occasionally I’ve found that certainresources (typically JavaScript or CSS files) may fail to load because of anerror NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED, which is displayed in the console. For me,this is rarely seen, though I’ve experienced the issue a few times onTrello.com and another on our corporate website CMS. This has the effect ofpreventing whatever that resource was from loading, so in the case of CSS itwon’t display and in the case of JS it won’t run. On Trello, this resulted ina fully broken page — nothing displayed except the header because the wholething is a JS app, and on our CMS, the left-hand navigation was broken becausethat depends on JS too.

Exception ns_error_file_corrupted

To solve this issue, at least for these sites, I opened my console and did the following:


Browser Version: 33. Cookies Enabled: true. Platform: Windows. Did you search r/RESIssues before submitting this: Yes. To keep it short and sweet, RES is no longer blocking subreddits that I have filtered out. For example, I have tried blocking AdviceAnimals as both AdviceAnimals and r/AdviceAnimals within RES, but it still shows up on my reddit. Hi, Not able to install firefox addon from my web page: Implemented install trigger to install the addon Done all the mime additions in.htaccss and web.config of my servers root directory Upon installation i am getting issue that “Firefox could not install the add on because it does not match the add on firefox expected” Please provide the solution. There should be. I was wondering if it was possible to fix the file without restoring, but from what you say, I imagine not. Thanks for your input. Introducing AI-Assisted Workflows and Automation-Grade Grouping November 17, 2020. By Lubos Parobek Imagine you’ve been working on a new feature for weeks. Finally—after exhaustive QA and testing, and more late. Monique, Unfortunately I do not think there is anything else you can help me with, but could you please answer this question: If I add/open a previous archive (such as from previous years) into outlook 2016 will it automatically try to move the files from their current location to the folder with my inbox PST file?

Ns_error_file_corrupted Firefox


and reloaded the page. Clearing my cache, my browser’s local storage orrestarting the browser was not enough — I expect because the localstorage for these specific sites had become corrupted at some point.Occasionally, running the two commands above actually produces anexception with NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED in the console output:

In this case, re-running the commands again worked and resolved the issue.

Over time I’ve switched between stable to Developer Edition and eventually toNightly, and I also actively use tools to block cross-domain resources,trackers and so forth. I haven’t looked into the specifics because the issueis so sporadic and now easily solved, but I may if the issues persist.

Exception ns_error_file_corrupted

Exception Ns_error_file_corrupted

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