
During the past two weeks, I have been working on porting the Eigenmath math engine to the Casio Prizm. The official website of Eigenmath is currently at http://gweigt.net/eigenmath.html and the only version available seems to be distributed through the Mac App Store, however if you look around enough on the internet, you'll find Windows, Linux and even Nintendo DS builds. And from on now, Eigenmath is available for the Prizm, too!

Algebrite is an adaptation of a delightful gem of CAS named EigenMath by George Weigt. Most of his manual applies to Algebrite. See the function reference (adapted from the one compiled by George Weigt for the EigenMath project) for a quick view. Also you might want to check another fork of EigenMath: SMIB by Philippe Billet. Eigenmath is basically a “Portable MatLab“. This tool can help aid in solving algebra and calculus problems through the manipulation of mathematical expressions in symbolic form. Eigenmath includes many mathematical functions, it has graphing capabilities and also supports scripting. ' the three most commonly used coordinate systems are rectangular, cylindrical,'.


Eigenmath computer algebra system The lightweight and powerful CAS now is ported to Android. Perhaps you know it from the others versions for: windows, mac, ppc. Powerful has a scientific calculator. Some features: Scripts. Multidimensional integrals. Solution of linear equations Indefinite and definite integration. Matrix operations including products, inverses. Eigenmath is available on the Mac App Store Demo 1 (Read about how Planck calculated h and k) Demo 2 (Read about how Einstein derived Planck's law) Demo 3 Draw some graphs Demo 4 Blank form Documentation Eigenmath Manual Quick Reference Additional Resources Rutherford scattering Verify formulas Draw probability density.

As you see, some simple form of natural display is supported. When the natural display output is too large to fit in a single line, the equivalent to Casio's 'Line' display mode is used, meaning natural display is disabled.
Matrices small enough to fit in the screen are also displayed in a more natural way.
This port of Eigenmath also includes a function catalog. Help for each function may be included in the future.
Unlike diameter's port of Eigenmath to the fx9860, in this port big numbers are supported and the results are right for 99% of the symbolic calculations. Floating point numbers are also supported, even though the precision could be better. Anyway, for that kind of math, you can use Casio's Run-Mat
Also, the keyboard keys are linked to Eigenmath functions and symbols as much as I could. The ! for factorials can be inserted with the store (→) key.
Unfortunately it is a bit slow. Memory leaks from Beta 1 seem to have been mostly fixed in Beta 2. If you start getting memory/malloc-related errors, exit the add-in (open another) then open Eigenmath again.
System errors should never occur, though.
Known issues (important)Eigenmath 137
Factorizing x^2+1 returns (x+1)(x-1) which is clearly wrong. The Linux build of Eigenmath, which was built from the same source code that this port was based on, correctly returns x^2+1 when factorizing. I have done tests and couldn't find other problems when factorizing. Please let us know if you find any more wrong results. You have been warned.
Source code
The add-in is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 and source code will appear on my GitHub soon. Right now the build process is quite hackish, it needs
(((Casio's library for the fx9860) with modifications by Simon) converted to GCC format)
along with
((libm and libc) hacked together from (AHelper's fork of libfxcg))
Yeah, that mix is right and I even put parentheses for you to parse better. Right now my development environment is a mess, worse than those parentheses.
Make sure to read the 'known issues' above. Also, read the disclaimer that appears when you press F6 when running the add-in.

Eigenmath Online

Eigenmath Tutorial

Download Beta 2