Sublimetext Markdown

When I use Sublime Text to edit Markdown files, I appreciate the Syntax Highlight provided by Markdown Light How to get contacts from icloud to gmail. plugin, but just like built-in and other Markdown plugins, they can’t provide auto completion for embedded LaTex statements in Markdown files. But it’s very common nowadays to mix various branches of Markdown with LaTex-like math equations, it will ease my pain if I can have LaTex auto completion when editing Markdown files.

Here is the simple solution:


1 Install LaTexBox plugin, which gives us LaTex auto completion.

Sublimetext Markdown Manager

2 Modify /Packages/LaTeXBox/, like this.

Sublime Text Markdown Preview

This 1-min demo shows how to install Github Readme Markdown Preview in Sublime Text. First, install package control and install.



Sublimetext Markdown File

When I use Sublime Text to edit Markdown files, I appreciate the Syntax Highlight provided by Markdown Light plugin, but just like built-in and other Markdown plugins, they can’t provide auto. Frontend Developer Notebook. Atom is good, especially for markdown preview to keep the same format as the final. This is a notes about how to install packages in sublime text 3.

Sublime text markdown plugin

These two modifications expand the processing scope from tex to tex and markdown, and guarantee LaTex syntax will also get auto completion in Markdown files.

Sublime Text Markdown Plugin

Using similar method, you can mix auto completion of any multiple syntaxes. (Caveat: you can’t mix Syntax Highlight in this way)